

  • 标题16 教育

    • 55章 十大彩票网投平台

      • 节16-55-1 州长、州教育监督和受托人组成公共机构 企业.

      • 节16-55-2 Board of trustees - Appointment; terms; vacancies; compensation and expenses.

      • 节16-55-3 董事会-权利、特权和权威.

      • 节16-55-4 董事会-组织和管理的权力.

      • 节16-55-5 Board of trustees - 受托人 divided into classes; initial terms.

      • 节16-55-6 Board of trustees - Quorum; meetings.

      • 节16-55-6.1 董事会。通过电子通讯参与会议.

      • 节16-55-7 护理学院奖学金-分配.

      • 节16-55-8 护理学院奖学金-符合条件者.

      • 节16-55-9 奖学金 to school of nursing - Amount and conditions; selection of recipients.

      • 节16-55-10 警察.

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